Material testing

The DNA of Powder Materials

Material testing

The DNA of Powder Materials

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Powder characterization for AM-Products

Macroscopic examination

The visual inspection allows a quick and extremely efficient detection of gross anomalies in the powder material. The following properties are compared with specified criteria to enable efficient evaluation:

  • Coatings
  • Moisture content
  • Coarseness
  • contamination

Chemical analysis

The chemical composition of a powder material is an essential aspect of powder characterization. The content of specified elements, impurities, contamination and the content of highly reactive light elements play a decisive role in the processability of the powder. The results of the analysis are evaluated for quality assurance purposes using a target/actual comparison. This is an efficient approach to save time and costs, as a decision on the usability of powders is made at an early stage of the tests. Chemical analysis is also of central importance for mixed and prepared powder materials in order to determine their process capability in line with the various requirements for the resulting component quality.

  • Determination of the chemical composition of specified elements
  • Water content
  • Content of reactive elements such as H, N, O, C, S
  • Coarse impurities

Computer tomography

There are more than 10e5 particles in a capsule sample, which are shown isolated without agglomerates and conglomerates. The sample preparation has a high reproducibility and is free of artifacts in a consistent geometry. A high-resolution scan with a voxel size of up to 500 nm enables the three-dimensional observation of elementary particle features. Analogous to the SEM analysis results, a statistically verified evaluation of the particle properties is carried out with the highest possible depth of information.

The evaluation includes a target/actual comparison of the following elementary parameters in accordance with specified requirements.

  • Particle size and size distribution
  • Morphology, distribution of morphological characteristics
  • Surface area
  • Particle volume
  • Cavities
  • Higher density particles (HDP)

Optional: Contamination analysis

Impurities of elements that are below the detection limit of chemical analyses or that are contained in the material specification of the powder material can be determined qualitatively and quantitatively in the sub-ppm range.

Contamination in the form of organic components (e.g. brush hair, paper, parts of gloves) or other low-density elements are determined gravimetrically. Higher-density contaminants are examined using computer tomography. Following detection, the impurity is extracted from the powder and examined under a light or scanning electron microscope in order to determine the respective elemental composition and morphology. The evaluation is carried out analogous to customer-specific or general specifications.

Scanning electron microscopy

Scanning electron microscopy enables a qualitative examination of a few (approx. 500) powder particles of a sample. The evaluation is based on customer specifications and/or reference images. Information on surface structures, subparticles and degenerate particles as well as size distribution is essential for assessing the flow behavior of a powder. The qualitative results are also used as input and scan data, for example to determine the scan resolution for computer tomography. The following characteristics are determined qualitatively:

  • Morphology
  • topography
  • contamination
  • Size distribution

Scanning electron microscope Zeiss Merlin Gemini

The high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscope and energy-dispersive micro-range analysis (EDX) are used to investigate topography and morphology. A field emitter enables magnifications of up to 500,000 : 1, which corresponds to a resolution of 0.6 nanometres on a corresponding sample surface. In addition, very low acceleration voltages can be selected, which enable the investigation of non-conductive materials such as biological samples, plastics or ceramics. With a total of four detectors, investigations and analyses are carried out at acceleration voltages of 0.1 kV to 30 kV in secondary electron and backscattered electron contrast.

The investigations are offered across all industries and materials for semi-finished products, samples, parts and components, metallic and organic materials.

Range of applications

  • fractography
  • Particle analysis
  • Topography analyses
  • Qualitative and semi-quantitative material determination (EDX)
  • Analysis of ground specimens
  • Knot analysis
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