Secure Digitalization

Satellite Navigation

Secure Digitalization

Satellite Navigation

Our Services and Expertise

  • Conceptual Consulting

    As part of our conceptual services, we identify user requirements and derive functional requirements for the system. We prepare threat and risk analyses as part of the Public Regulated Service, both for terrestrial and space-based receivers. Our analyses are based on the standards used in the KRITIS sector, such as ISO 27001, BSI Basic Protection and BSI Common Criteria. Our knowledge of the use of different tools contributes to an efficient and effective approach to risk management.

    In the specific area of Galileo PRS, we contribute to the development of the PRS infrastructure, key management and PRS performance monitoring.

    The results of our services make important contributions to IT security concepts, to the VS-compliant development of receivers and prepare the certification of receivers and systems.

  • Verification and Validation

    As part of our testing and verification services, we analyze and evaluate safety-relevant Galileo services such as the PRS, HAS and OSNMA from the user's perspective. With our indoor and outdoor test laboratories, we examine the availability of signals, the quality of service and the effects of deliberate and accidental interference. In particular, we focus on the effects of jamming and spoofing, e.g. in the rail, automated driving and agricultural sectors. The use of artificial intelligence methods helps to efficiently structure and evaluate large and complex amounts of data.

    Our results contribute to the improvement of sensor platforms of UAVs and automated driving vehicles.

  • Secure Localization and Navigation

    Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) play an important role in automated driving for highly accurate positioning and time synchronization of the overall system. The inclusion of GNSS always means a potential threat from targeted cyber attacks on the navigation signals emitted by the satellite.

    • Integrity assessment of positioning using GNSS
    • GNSS test laboratory for investigating jamming and spoofing
    • Test infrastructure in Ottobrunn (indoor and outdoor)
    • Development support for SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)
    • Sensor data fusion (e.g. GNSS, IMU, odometry, LIDAR, cameras, etc.)
    • Mapping of the position on georeferenced HD maps
Your Expert Contact for Secure Satellite Navigation
Team Satellite Navigation

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