
Flying Safely and Sustainably

Experience Technological Excellence


Flying Safely and Sustainably

Experience Technological Excellence

We are a Trusted Partner of the Aviation Industry

  • Diversity of our Solution Expertise
  • Long-term Partnership
  • One-stop Shop
  • Highest Standards of Safety & Quality
  • Guaranteed Reliability
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Our Services and Expertise

Experience technological excellence

Product Qualification and Certification

Structural Integrity Management

Safe and Economical Operation

Increasing cost pressures across the industry and stricter safety regulations raise the necessity for enhanced safety, economic efficiency and availability at every phase of an aircraft’s lifecycle.

We provide solutions that ensure these key aspects are maintained at every stage.

Sustaining Airworthiness

  • Usage monitoring, documentation and analysis
  • Structural examination
  • Corrosion protection management
  • Configuration control

Validation of operational usage

  • Loads & structural utilization
  • Structural sampling
  • Structural teardown

Restoration of Structural Integrity

  • Modification
  • Replacement
  • Operational usage review
  • Recovery of lost usage data




Maximizing Aircraft Lifespan

Introducing new developments can be costly and inefficient. Optimizing the existing aircraft lifespan is critical for maintaining competitiveness and our tailored solutions are designed to help you achieve this.

Life and Out-of-Service Extension

  • Identify remaining service life by comparing usage data against qualification standards
  • AI-supported data analysis to enhance airworthiness assessments
  • Testing and analysis to demonstrate extended service life
  • Maximizing all available technical qualifications

Fleet Planning Requirements

Supporting fleet management decisions with operational load measurements and measures optimization to increase reliability

Capability Enhancement

Identifying opportunities for better utilization, such as reducing inspection requirements or easing operational limits within the integrity framework

Maintenance Optimization

  • Implementing preventive and reliability-centered maintenance to prevent damage and failure
  • Applying condition-based and predictive maintenance strategies
  • Flexible maintenance planning within condition parameters

Engineering & Construction of Test Systems and Centers

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