Funding Program


Funding Program


Bavarian Aviation Funding Program

Aviation is a pillar of today's society and economic life. As such, it is indispensable as a strategic key industry and driver of innovation.

Aviation is undergoing economic and technological change, continues to hold a high status in Germany, and is therefore of outstanding economic importance for the state of Bavaria.

Numerous challenges—from environmental friendliness and emission reduction to digitalization—need to be addressed. New, sustainable technologies and materials must be developed, and existing technologies further advanced to holistically improve the air transport system through innovation!

Please note: The application deadline has already passed!

Call for Project Proposals

Apply for Funding

The Free State of Bavaria is one of the world's most traditional and significant aerospace locations.

In the field of aviation, the Bavarian State Government fundamentally supports research, development, and innovation projects (R&D&I) in the action area of "Increasing Productivity, Efficiency and Sustainability" (BayLu25-II).

The funding focuses on the following goals of the Federal Government's LuFo VI program:

"High-Performance and Efficient Aviation"

The performance and efficiency of aviation are significant factors for the globally integrated economy in Germany and Europe. Therefore, one goal of LuFo is to make aviation transport services more efficient. Development, manufacturing, and maintenance processes must be optimized, especially in the face of the challenges posed by digitalization and Industry 4.0/AI. The German aviation industry, including its supporting research and scientific institutions, should make a substantial contribution to achieving the corresponding goals of "Flightpath 2050."

"Environmentally Friendly Aviation"

The future viability of aviation largely depends on its environmental compatibility and resource conservation. Innovative technologies are needed to reduce noise and pollutant emissions (decarbonization) and to increase energy efficiency. Environmental impacts must be assessed over the entire product life cycle according to the life cycle assessment principle. Noise, emissions, and resource consumption—including during manufacturing, maintenance, and disposal processes—are therefore included in considerations to move closer to the goal of an emission-neutral aviation system. The environmental protection goals formulated in the European strategic document "Flightpath 2050" serve as guidelines for an environmentally friendly aviation system, including:

  • A 75% reduction in CO₂ emissions
  • A 90% reduction in NOₓ emissions
  • A 65% reduction in perceived noise by 2050

"Safe and Passenger-Friendly Aviation"

The safety and health of passengers, crews, and third parties are decisive factors in aviation, where no compromises can be made. The already high safety level of aviation must be further secured and improved through a holistic consideration of the air transport system with all relevant components and participants. In particular, the safe and efficient integration of unmanned aerial vehicles into the air transport system must be achieved. The further development of efficient approval procedures makes a decisive contribution to this. The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published its Agency Research Agenda as a strategic document in this regard. At the same time, passengers have particularly high demands on the reliability and comfort of tomorrow's aviation. The air transport system must be more oriented toward the needs of passengers.

Through this funding measure, the LuFo disciplines "Structures and Design," "Cabin" and "Quiet and Efficient Engines" are primarily addressed.

The application process is a two-stage process. First, a project proposal must be submitted in a preliminary sketch procedure. If the submitted project proposal is shortlisted, an invitation to submit a full application will follow.

The deadline for sketch submission was May 19, 2021, at 12:00 PM.

All submitted sketches were evaluated in an expert review process. The applicants of all sketches were individually informed about the eligibility of their submitted project proposals and, if applicable, invited to submit a full application.

Applications were to be submitted by August 25, 2021.

The application process for this funding call has already ended. Submissions are no longer possible

The guidelines specified in the "Information Sheet on the Application Procedure" must be adhered to, and the documents mentioned therein must be included.

Your Contact for Project Management
Andreas Becker

IABG Projektträgerschaft

+49 (0)228 91767