Secure Digitalization

Network Infrastructures

Secure Digitalization

Network Infrastructures

Our Services and Expertise

  • Requirements Analysis

    We collect and analyze your functional, operational and strategic requirements and goals.

  • Concepts for Network Infrastructures

    We create feasible concepts for flexible, high-performance, secure and economically viable network infrastructures. Our independence from manufacturers is very important to us.

  • Procurement Support

    After the design phase, we support you in the tendering process and, once the contract has been awarded, also in the implementation and acceptance of the new systems. Further details on our services can be found under "Procurement"

  • Certification according to ISO 27001

    We support you with implementation through to certification in accordance with ISO 27001 on the basis of BSI basic protection.

We look forward to getting in touch with you!
Team Network Architectures
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