We test and qualify products, systems, parts and components. A special feature: we can also carry out high-risk tests (hydrogen, battery abuse, bombardment, impact, etc.) at our Competence Center Protection in Lichtenau.
We support our customers in securely shaping the digital transformation. We provide support with procurement con­sulting, design, project planning, implementation support, testing and analysis as well as ensuring operation.
In procurement, we support our national customers in particular throughout the procurement and utilization concept. We make important contributions in all phases of procurement: analysis, realization and utilization phase.
IABG has over 50 years of expertise in the field of Lifecycle Management (LCM). We provide support in all life cycle phases through the economic and technical evaluation of alternative solutions.
We collect data and information in their spatial context, analyze and interpret them. Using state-of-the-art technologies, including the use of AI, we turn pure data into new information that contributes to well-founded decision-making.
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