Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) is a discipline focused on ensuring operational requirements are met throughout all phases of the lifecycle. Key elements of ILS include RAMS:
In the early project phases, the aim is to identify cost drivers and to influence the later operational or achievable availability as early as the design stage. ILS always focuses on subsequent use and the influence that the design of the technical system has on this.
As part of the ILS process, maintenance problems can be addressed at an early stage. Particularly during implementation, the OEM of a system must be given not only technical but also logistical specifications with regard to the corresponding analyses and processes in order to be able to use the system later as required. The focus here is on material operational readiness. Robust systems can be brought into use with high reliability, fast turnaround times in troubleshooting and plannable maintenance as well as long intervals between maintenance measures.
During the utilization phase, necessary optimizations can be initiated and implemented through continuous data analysis, process analysis and evaluation of material master data and technical documentation. The focus is on the processes around specifications such as ASD S1000D, S2000M, 3000L, S4000P, S5000F and S6000T, which must be addressed both during the realization and operational phases. These topics need thorough consideration in tender documents and project-specific logistical concepts.
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