Product Qualification

Electromagnetic Tests

Magnetic Field Measurements and Simulations

The permanent presence of the Earth's magnetic field makes it an important physical quantity in the vicinity of the Earth. Magnetic fields play an essential role both in the attitude control of satellites and in the numerous scientific experiments for the exploration of our solar system.

At IABG’s Magnetic Field Simulation Facility (MFSA), unique in Europe, we recreate these magnetic conditions. Our advanced simulations compensate for the Earth's field and generate custom artificial direct and alternating fields. This allows us to create precise environments for calibrating and testing magnetic instruments, generating zero fields and magnetizing or demagnetizing various objects and structures.

SWARM satellite in the magnetic field simulation system (MFSA)

Magnetic Field Simulation

  • Compensation of the earth's magnetic field and simulation of variable artificial direct and alternating fields
  • Magnetization and demagnetization of test objects

Magnetic Field Measurements

  • Measurement of magnetic purity
  • Assessment of dipole and multipole properties, magnetic moments and eddy current fields

Additional Tests

  • Compass Safe Distance Test
  • Calibration of magnetometers

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Many complex systems, such as satellites, are integrated from several subsystems and components to form an overall system. Each electronic sub-unit becomes a source of interference by emitting internally generated signals and also becomes an interference sink by absorbing interference from the neighboring sub-systems. This interference can occur either via radiation or via the connecting cables. At the same time, the electromagnetic environmental conditions at the place of use, e.g. in space, must be taken into account.

We operate four EMC laboratories in which the electromagnetic compatibility of electrical components and systems is tested. The result of the tests is a system whose own interference emissions are limited and which at the same time demonstrates considerable immunity to external interference. Both conditions together reduce the mutual interaction to a level that ensures the functionality of the system in all operating conditions at the place of use.

We carry out electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing in our DIN EN ISO 17025 accreditedEMC test laboratory in three anechoic chambers and an unshielded laboratory.

For measurements on satellites and their components, we use ESA standards (ECSS-E-ST-10-07), NASA standards or standards defined for the ISS.

The tests for aviation equipment are based on the RTCA DO-160 and industry standards from Boeing (D6-16050) or Airbus (ABD0100). Of course, test facilities and test equipment also meet demanding military standards such as MIL-STD-461, MIL-STD-1275, MIL-STD-704, AMD24, VG95373, Tornado, Eurofighter.

CryoSat S/C in the EMC laboratory

Interference Emissions/Resistance

  • Measurement and testing of radiated and conducted emissions (up to 40 GHz)

High Intensity Radiated Fields

  • Generation of high intensity radiated fields (HIRF) with field strengths > 2000 V/m

Transient Tests in the Time Domain

  • ESD, multiple burst/stroke, surge, interruptions, inrush current

Other Tests

  • Simulation of secondary lightning effects (LEMP)
  • Simulation of the nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP)
  • Testing the properties of electrical wiring systems