Clean Energy

Clean Energy

IABG is extensively involved in energy transition processes and ensuring a basic energy supply. We help identify environmental potentials and protected features, preparing these insights for decision-making. Our solutions range from detailed national planning to extensive collaboration with development banks, where we support initial analyses for electrification projects worldwide.

  • Inventory of existing infrastructure as a first step toward creating a sustainable electrification concept
  • Analysis of available renewable energy sources concerning quantity and continuity
  • Site selection with consideration of potential connections to the overall grid
  • Demand assessment that accounts for the potential economic development of local and regional populations
  • Assessment of potential hazards and impacts on existing or planned energy infrastructure in case of natural events such as floods, landslides, fires, storms or other extreme weather phenomena

Our Services

  • Design, planning and monitoring of renewable energy plants
  • Support in identifying potential locations for energy infrastructures
    • Demand and potential analyses
    • Site and infrastructure planning,
  • Support in achieving UN sustainability goals by participating in projects to expand clean energy, also as consortium leader
    • Mapping of renewable energy resources
    • Characterization of energy demand
    • Inventory and documentation of energy infrastructure
    • Conducting vulnerability analyses of energy infrastructures to climate and disaster risks
  • Supporting grid operators with grid expansion through
    • Pre-exploration of explosive ordnance
    • Remote sensing-based monitoring of pipelines to support maintenance processes
  • Geodata consulting
  • Development and maintenance of a geoserver
  • Implementation of geodata and factual data
  • Tool development for the optimization of customer-specific processes