Project Sponsorship

For Research Projects in Aerospace Technologies

Project Sponsorship

For Research Projects in Aerospace Technologies

Project Sponsorship

For Research Projects in Aerospace Technologies

Project Sponsorship

For Research Projects in Aerospace Technologies

Project Sponsorship

For Research Projects in Aerospace Technologies

Project Sponsorship

For Research Projects in Aerospace Technologies

Research Funding in Bavaria

The Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (BStMWi) aims to establish a foundation for highest quality of life, excellent employment prospects and thriving businesses in the state. Bavaria’s goal is to maintain its competitive standing, enhance the performance of its companies, drive innovation and support entrepreneurship.

The StMWi supports research and development projects in aerospace technologies conducted by Bavarian companies, universities and research institutions. The funding aims to sustainably strengthen innovation and competitiveness while intensifying research activities. A key objective is to foster collaboration in research and development among Bavarian companies, universities and research institutions, striving to secure a leading position in innovation leadership, growth and employment.

Bavaria’s extensive network of research and educational institutions and its strong infrastructure contribute significantly to aerospace research in Germany and Europe.

To advance modern aerospace applications, the StMWi offers a variety of targeted funding programs addressing critical economic and societal challenges in the aerospace sector, including:

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Your Contact for Project Sponsorship
Rico Grübler

IABG Project Sponsorship

+49 (0)89-6088