Joint project


On the way to the intelligent, autonomous and safe streetcar of tomorrow

Joint project


On the way to the intelligent, autonomous and safe streetcar of tomorrow

Our technological focus is on

  • Communication & networking

    An important milestone has been reached in our SmarTram research project: the test vehicle has been equipped with 5G communication technology and the first test runs have been successfully completed. Our main focus here is on a resilient system architecture and the networking of relevant participants via 5G to ensure safe operation in an urban environment.

    What requirements must a networked streetcar meet during the journey and how can the required information be transmitted securely to the vehicle? To answer these questions, we worked with our partner company Marc Triefelder - IT Engineeringwe put the communication technology in the CVAG streetcar railcar into operation and configured a network between the test vehicle, teleoperator, a prototype control center and infrastructure-based sensor technology via 5G mobile radio. The camera streams and data packets are transmitted via encrypted VPN connections - resilient and secure.

    The implemented 5G setup was tested during initial test runs on a CVAG route section and latency times and availability of the 5G communication technology used were continuously monitored and recorded. In the further course of the project, various measures could be taken to optimize the performance and security aspects of 5G networking, especially using slicing technology. By implementing these measures, the SmarTram project could not only significantly increase the performance and security of 5G networking, but also set pioneering standards for autonomous streetcar operation in urban environments.

    When implementing the information security concept, we are following the guidelines of the BSI. An IT-secure setup will be set up as part of the project. Further recommendations for action for a series introduction will be derived for the streetcar operator.

  • Human factors

    Together with our project partner Hörmann Vehicle Engineering, we are working on the future design and ergonomics of an automated streetcar. If fully automated operation is realized, the classic driver's workplace in the streetcar can in principle be eliminated. As a result, the role of the traditional streetcar driver will increasingly change in the direction of service-oriented personnel or teleoperators.

    Figures from the Federal Statistical Office show that the victims of streetcar accidents are predominantly other road users. For this reason, the focus in the development of the exterior is specifically on the interaction of road users. As eye contact with the streetcar driver is not possible in automated operation, external HMIs (eHMIs) were developed which, in addition to the warning bell, enable interaction with the automated system on a visual path.

    For the design of the interior, the focus is primarily on the appropriate presentation of information for passengers and building trust during the driverless journey. The design of the SmarTram vision vehicle will be presented to the public for the first time at CVAG's open day. The tour around and through the vision vehicle will take place with the help of virtual reality.

    More about Human System Integration 

  • Scenario-based simulation

    IABG relies on virtual simulations to support the project partners during development and as part of the verification process. A section of the CVAG route was digitized in order to be able to verify modelled vehicle reactions in a familiar environment. The modeled streetcar covers the vehicle dynamics properties (bogies, wheel-rail contact). For the simulation of automated operation, sensor models and the speed controller were integrated and validated in the further course of the project. In addition, the realized simulation environment for automated streetcar operation enables further testing using software and hardware-in-the-loop methods.

  • Evaluation of object recognition

    The obstacle detection algorithms developed by project partner FusionSystems are evaluated and tested by IABG. For the evaluation of AI-based object recognition, we use the safeAI kit, which has been developed over many years and conforms to relevant AI standards. The safeAI kit is used to generate statements on performance, uncertainty, robustness, explainability and the underlying data set of the AI model at an early stage in order to optimize the algorithm. In addition, a methodology and framework is being developed based on the safeAI kit, which can be used to analyze and evaluate the detection of radar and lidar sensors. Initial test runs with sensor data and an integrated algorithm for lidar obstacle detection have already been successful.

    More about safeAI

  • Testing and verification

    Based on the "Dienstanweisung für den Fahrdienst mit Straßenbahnen" (DFStrab), use cases for automated streetcar operation were defined and automation requirements derived.

    The project partner Hörmann provides a requirements management tool in which the specifications of an automated streetcar are digitally recorded and configurations can be traced back in a traceable manner. In the context of verification, the tool is also used to create and document the test planning for the subsystems and the integrated overall system.

    For validation and validation, the Technical Safety Plan (TeSiP) was modified and further developed together with Hörmann Vehicle Engineering for the real demonstrator in accordance with EU No. 402/2013 (CSM RA). The further safety argumentation of the automated operation is carried out taking into account the requirements of ISO 21448. We pursue the goal of determining and securing the performance and operating limits of the SmarTram by means of simulation and real tests. To ensure safety at all times, there is always an accompanying driver in the streetcar during test operation who can intervene and override at any time.

    More about autonomous driving
