
IABG now BSI-certified as IT security provider

With its business segment InfoCom, IABG has for many years been a renowned service provider in the field of ‘information security’ and successfully been meeting the needs of numerous key customers in the most diverse areas. This includes consulting with and taking over security management issues, preparing standard IT security concepts, carrying out audits in line with the BSI IT Grundschutz (aka Baseline Protection) requirements, and the analysis and evaluation of weak points.

On 12 December 2011, within the framework of an official qualification and revision procedure (BSI IS revision and QM audit), the Federal Office for IT Security (BSI) successfully certified IABG as an IT security provider in Germany in the areas of IS revision and IS consulting.

In order to support authorities and organisations dealing with security issues, the public administration and companies in the security industry in their selection of competent and trustworthy external experts, the BSI developed this certification procedure for consulting firms, which makes high demands on employee expertise in particular. This certification supplements the already existing personal certification as ‘Lead Auditor for the certification according to ISO 27001 on basis of the IT Baseline Protection’.

Further information and details concerning IABG’s certification and its respective requirements are available on the <link https: de themen zertifizierungundanerkennung konformitaetsbewertung stellen is_rec-pen is-revupen_node.html external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>BSI Website.