With the introduction of the European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMAR), which are based on civil aviation, and their German offshoot (DEMAR) for regulating the technical aspects of military flight operations, the countries involved are paving the way for greater harmonization and increased interoperability.
The use of standardized procedures, processes and documents will improve cooperation between the various armies and their respective branches of the armed forces, as well as with their industrial partners in the context of technical and logistical support. This is linked to the use of synergy effects in the development and certification of military aircraft. These effects can have a cost and effort-reducing impact on multinational armaments projects. For the individual organizational units within the Bundeswehr and its European partner armies, this means organizational and procedural changes. These relate in particular to the areas of technical and logistical management of airborne weapon systems as well as the training and deployment options of technical personnel.
IABG provides the following services for the implementation and continuous further development of EMAR/DEMAR in the European (partial) armed forces.
Benefit from our expertise in the implementation and continuous optimization of the European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMAR) and their German offshoots (DEMAR).
Please fill in the form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.