
From damage analysis and material testing to simulation and design

From damage analysis and material testing to simulation and design

For the characterization of systems, components, materials and defects
we use the following examination methods:

You've come to the right place. Me and my team will be happy to support you promptly.
Dr. Andreas Mösenbacher

Team Failure Analysis

Characterization of the fatigue behavior (LCF, HCF, TMF)

When describing the fatigue behavior using Wöhler curves, we basically differentiate between strain-controlled tests in the short-term strength range (LCF) and stress-controlled tests in the long-term strength range (HCF). The application of mechanical stresses and plastic strains through strain restraints at a controlled temperature corresponds to a thermomechanical fatigue test (TMF).

We can realize test loads between 500 N - 100 kN, test frequencies up to 130 Hz and test temperatures in the range between -196 °C and +900 °C.

Low cycle fatigue (LCF) testing: strain-controlled tests in accordance with ASTM E606 or ISO12106 and fatigue testing with a wide range of load types (tension, compression, shear)

Investigation of High Cycle Fatigue (HCF): Stress-controlled tests according to DIN50100, testing with a wide variety of load types (tension, compression, shear)

Investigation of thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF):

  • Mapping of combined cyclic thermal and mechanical loads
  • Independent control for the application of cyclic thermal and mechanical loads
  • Heating/cooling rates of 5 K/s
  • Testing in accordance with the "Validated Code of Practice for Strain-Controlled Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Testing"