Secure digitization

Cloud and ICT infrastructures

Secure digitization

Cloud and ICT infrastructures

Our Services and Expertise

  • Integration of Cloud Solutions into Existing VS-IT Networks

    The design and integration of secure cloud solutions, such as the NSC, into an existing VS-IT network, including their secure operation (SecOps), are central to our work. This includes the creation and continuous updating of VSA-compliant security concepts. Based on usage scenarios, threat and risk analyses and the existing VS-IT infrastructure, we first carry out a comprehensive security assessment. Any residual risks are minimized through additional organizational and technical measures, such as the deployment of certified IT security products. Following this, we develop a VSA-compliant solution concept.

  • Development & Operation of Secure Cloud Solutions on Premises

    We provide support for the setup and complete, sovereign operation of secure cloud solutions on premises, including assistance with troubleshooting and adjustments (DevOps).

  • Use of Management Systems to Orchestrate Secure Cloud Solutions

    We enable clients to utilize management systems for orchestrating secure cloud solutions, such as the agile setup of a security domain for rapid availability and project support.

  • Conception of Secure Cloud Solutions

    We establish and operate a development environment for the design of secure cloud solutions.

Your Cybersecurity Specialists
Team Cloud & IT Infrastructure

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