
Geodata & Environment Services


Geodata & Environment Services

Turning geodata into valuable information

  • The team

    We are the IABG team for "Geospatial Solutions" and "Environmental Services": 70 experts who work closely together at our locations in Dresden, Berlin, Trier and at our headquarters in Ottobrunn.

    With our services, we want to make the almost limitless possibilities of geodata & geoinformation available to our society. The long-standing expertise of our team enables us to solve issues in a wide range of applications: From the management of demanding security tasks to disaster and crisis management to the prevention of natural hazards.

    Our experts in the field of "Environmental Services" plan and realise the revitalisation of brownfields of former military and armament sites.

    Collaboration in interdisciplinary teams and the commitment to constantly educate ourselves is absolutely indispensable for dealing with such a broad spectrum of topics. In addition to geographers, geodesists and geoinformaticians, we also employ environmental scientists, cartographers, hydrologists, geologists, foresters, landscape architects, and civil engineers. If required, we can quickly and easily draw on further skills and expertise from across IABG.

  • What we do

    Geospatial solutions, derived from a wide range of geodata and other information, are increasingly important for our modern life, have shaping impact on our societies and their development. Geoinformation turns into an integral part of everyone’s life and is by far not anymore limited to commercial or industrial demands.

    Our Services:  

    • Remote sensing-based geodata analysis
    • Semi-automated and AI-based geodata analysis
    • Use of Open Source Intelligence (OSInt)
    • Mapping / monitoring of land cover and infrastructure
    • Analysis of climate change impacts
    • Customised GIS and platform applications
      • platform development
      • training & workshops for end users
    • Contaminated site recycling
    • Environmental impact assessments
  • Who we work for

    Our projects address national and international users, whose business require direct or indirect implementation of geospatial reference data. In many cases, we work on behalf of EU programmes, acting as lead or partner in multiple international consortia.

    The IABG team contributes its expertise worldwide and helps to jointly tackle global challenges and by developing innovative and sustainable solutions. We work on behalf of

    • European Commission (EC)
    • Joint Research Centre (JRC)
    • European Space Agency (ESA)
    • International Financial Institutions (e.g. The World Bank)
    • German Armed Forces and other military clients
    • Public administrations
    • Private sector
  • Technologies that we use

    Earth observation data is manifold, includes different spatial resolutions and sensor strategies, can be captured from satellites, by plane or even on ground, represent single dates or timelines of several decades.

    Thus, different technologies emerged to utilize the earth observation and adjacent data appropriately. Once the data is captured, different approaches are relevant and get picked by the IABG experts:

    • Mapping and high level image analysis
    • Fully- or semi-automatic remote sensing technologies, tailored to the sensor types available or chosen
    • Classification techniques, such as machine learning (supervised or unsupervised) as well as deep learning (Artificial Intelligence)
    • Modelling of multiple criteria, including non-geospatial data, such as climate data, socio-economic information or information from social media

    Depending on our clients objective, solutions are mono-thematic to complex and fulfil different quality criteria. Our clients receive valuable solutions for decision-making. To make the use of our work as intuitive and simple as possible, data and information obtained are made available via platforms and portals.

Our competence and expertise

Feel free to contact us!
Team Geodata Services