
IABG carries out flight tests with the regional aircraft "Dornier 228 New Generation" in Oberpfaffenhofen

Oberpfaffenhofen. On behalf of the RUAG Germany GmbH, IABG carries out extensive flight tests with a technically upgraded sample of the regional aircraft "Dornier 228 New Generation" on its premises in Oberpfaffenhofen.

A prototype of the aircraft, equipped with a new avionic system, new engines and new propellers, is expected to arrive at the IABG premises in Oberpfaffenhofen. There, the aircraft sample will be equipped with a measuring system for flight data collection by IABG.

In the context of this contract, IABG also operates the telemetry system in addition to the measuring system for the flight test data and is responsible for preparation of the flight measuring data.

It is planned to commence flight tests in October 2008. The final assembly of the upgraded regional aircraft will then be carried out in Oberpfaffenhofen.

The "Dornier 228 New Generation" flight tests are realized in close co-operation with RUAG Germany. The contract is an important project in the flight test sector for IABG at its Oberpfaffenhofen premises.