

This Imprint applies to the website of Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH and its social media presences on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and Xing.

Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH • Einsteinstrasse 20 • 85521 Ottobrunn • Germany
Phone+49 89 6088-0
Telefax+49 89 6088-4000
Management BoardProf. Dr.-Ing. Rudolf F. Schwarz (Chairman)
Thomas Köhler  Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Registry CourtLocal Court Munich
Commercial Register NoHRB 5499
Tax No.FA München Körp. 143/149/51345
USt.Id. No.DE129383387

Data Confidentiality

We at Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH, hereinafter referred to as IABG, take the protection of your personal data very seriously and adhere strictly to the regulations of German data protection legislation.Personal data is only collected on this website to the extent that is technically necessary.Under no circumstances is the collected data sold or passed on to third parties for other reasons.

The declaration below provides an overview of how we guarantee this protection and what sort of data is collected and for what purpose.


Data processing on this website

IABG automatically collects and stores information transmitted to us by your browser in its server log files.This includes the browser type/version, the operating system used, the referrer URL (the previously visited site), the anonymized address (of the computer accessing the site) as well as the time of the server request.

IABG cannot attribute this data to specific individuals.This data is not amalgamated with other data sources.The data is used by IABG solely to evaluate the attractiveness of the website and to improve its performance.Furthermore, the data is deleted following statistical analysis.


  • As data controller, we have integrated the Matomo component on our website. Matomo is an open source application for web analysis. Web analysis is the polling, collection and evaluation of data about the behaviour of visitors to internet sites. A web analysis tool acquires data on, among other things, from which website a person has accessed a website (so-called referrer), which subpages of the website have been accessed or how often and for how long a subpage has been viewed. Web analysis is mainly used to optimise a website and analyse the cost-benefit ratio of internet advertising.
  • The software is run on the server of the data controller and the log files are stored exclusively on that server. The purpose of the Matomo component is to analyse the click-streams of visitors to our website. The data controller uses the data and information obtained, among other things, to evaluate the use of this website in order to compile online reports showing the activities on our website.
  • Matomo sets a cookie on the IT system of the person concerned. The setting of cookies enables us to analyse the use of our website. Each time one of the individual pages of this website is accessed, the internet browser on the IT system of the person concerned is automatically prompted by the Matomo component to transmit data to our server for the purpose of online analysis. As part of this technical process, we gain knowledge of personal data, such as the IP address of the person concerned, which we use, among other things, to track the origin of visitors and clicks.
  • The cookie is used to store personal information, such as the access time, the location from which an access originated and the frequency of visits to our website. With each visit to our website, this personal data, including the IP address of the internet connection used by the person concerned, is transferred to our server. We store this personal data. We do not pass this personal data on to third parties.
  • The person concerned can prevent the setting of cookies by our website at any time by means of an appropriate setting of the internet browser used and thus permanently veto the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the internet browser used would also prevent Matomo from setting a cookie on the IT system of the person concerned. In addition, a cookie already set by Matomo can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.
  • Furthermore, the person concerned may object to the collection of data generated by Matomo in connection with the use of this website and prevent such collection. For this purpose, the person concerned must set an opt-out cookie. If the IT system of the person concerned is deleted, formatted or reinstalled at a later date, the person concerned must again set an opt-out cookie.
  • With the setting of the opt-out cookie, however, it is possible that the website of the data controller may no longer be fully functional for the person concerned.
  • Further information and Matomo's current privacy policy can be found at

Contact form

If you contact us using our contact form, your data as provided in the request form including contact information will be saved for the purpose of processing the request and for follow-up questions. This data will not be disclosed without your consent.


Right to information

You trust is important to us.For this reason, we wish to guarantee transparency at all times in relation to the processing of your personal details.You have the right to obtain information, at any time, about the data relating to you, its source and recipients, and the purpose for which it is stored.

Do you have any questions about privacy? Our corporate data protection officer, Mr. Swen Müller, Tel + 49 89 6088 2120, E-Mail, is at your disposal at any time.

Information in accordance with art 13 or art 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation can be found in our privacy policy!

Copyrights & Liability

Picture credits

Here you can view the picture credits.


General Purchasing Terms and Conditions of IABG mbH

Here you can view the General Purchasing Terms and Conditions of IABG mbH


Link to other websites

Our website contains links to other websites.IABG is neither responsible for the content of these websites nor for ensuring that the owners of these websites comply with data protection legislation.


Copyrights, trademarks and patents

Copyright is held exclusively by IABG, Ottobrunn (Germany).All rights reserved.

All content on this website (text, images, videos, graphics, sound, animations etc.) as well as the layout is protected by copyright and other protective rights.The content may not be copied, processed, changed or passed on to third parties.Some of the images on the website are subject to copyright by third parties and are used with their permission.

The intellectual property contained in the website (e.g. patents, trademarks, copyrights in the form of brands, logos, emblems and type designations etc.) are the property of IABG and are protected by copyright.

Neither the provision of this website nor its use represents the granting of any license for the utilization of the intellectual property of IABG.



Despite the utmost care taken in compiling this website, it may contain errors or inaccuracies.IABG shall assume no liability for the correctness or accuracy of the information contained on this website.All liability for damage incurred as a result of using this website is excluded, unless such damage was caused intentionally or due to gross negligence by IABG.This shall not apply in cases where liability is legally prescribed for other reasons.

We endeavour to keep our website free of viruses.However, IABG cannot issue any guarantee that it is virus-free.In this respect, users are advised to ensure adequate protection of their data networks and data processing equipment (e.g. by using antivirus software), particularly when downloading content.

Insofar as this website contains links to websites owned by third parties, IABG mbH cannot accept any liability for the content of these websites.